

Tips for saving water in water supply pipes

1. Ensure that there is no leakage in water supply pipes fitted in the house. To check water leaks, take reading of water meter before and after four hours when no water is not used. If there is change in meter reading, there is leakage in water supply pipes within the house.

2. Insulate water pipes to get hot water faster and to save water and energy.

3. Do not install water to air heat pump or air conditioning system. Air to air models are just enough efficient and do not waste water.

4. Find leakage listening to on and off sound of pump kicks while the water is not in use since there is every possibility of water leakage through pump.

5. Do not forget to check leakages in outside water supply pipes as we usually check indoor leakages in water supply pipes.

6. Replace all waste household faucets by installing flow restrictors faucets.

7. Clean driveway or street or side walk by using broom instead of using hosepipe to save 100 to 150 liters of water.

8. Install sprinklers used for most efficient use of water. Micro and drip irrigation and soaker hoses are most water efficient methods of irrigation.

9. Wash car and pets in lawn to water the lawn simultaneously.

British Engineers and Associates

Tips for saving water in lawn or garden

1. Water your lawns at an interval of 5 to 7 days during summer and 10 to 12 days during winter.

2. Water lawns in morning or evening when the temperature and wind is slow. Avoid watering at noon especially in summer to minimize evaporation.

3. Do not over water your lawn as excess water goes into sub soil and stagnant water is evaporated resulting into wastage of water.

4. Adjust sprinklers while watering lawn/garden so that the water is not wasted on house or side walk ways or street.

5. Collect rainwater for watering plants and lawns.

6. Choose shrubs instead of turf for deserted areas such as steep slopes and isolated strips.

7. Do plantation when the weather is cool or in rainy season.

8. Avoid over fertilizing the lawn as it needs more water. Use fertilizers which contain slow release and water-insoluble forms of nitrogen.

9. Spread a layer of organic mulch around plants to retain moisture and save water. Mulching also helps to control weeds that share water with plants.

10. Plant drought tolerant grass, shrubs and trees as they do not need to be watered frequently and survive even during dry periods once they are grown.

11. Use timer to remind turn on or off sprinklers or hoses. Do not leave them unattended while watering the lawn.

12. Use sprinklers for large areas of grass. If you irrigate in small patches by hand, it will waste water and your time.

13. Keep lawn mower blade at least three inches high since then grass roots hold moisture better than closely clipped lawn grass.

14. Use hose washers between spigots and water hose to eliminate leakage and check all hoses, connectors and spigots for leakage.

15. Check moisture of soil two to three inches below the top surface of lawn before watering rather than following a set watering schedule.

16. Install a rain sensor on your irrigation controller so that your system does not run while it's raining.

17. Use drip irrigation system since the water is applied directly to the roots of shrubs and trees.

18. Remember to check sprinkler system valves periodically for leaks and keep sprinkler heads in good shape.

19. Do not irrigate your lawn on windy days since most of the water blows away or evaporates.

20. Water the sloping lawns after a little interval of 5 minute time and repeat the process two or three times to save water.

21. Use nutrient-rich water for your plants and garden while cleaning fish tanks.

22. Group plants together according to their requirements of watering to avoid over watering some plants while under watering the others.

23. Aerate your lawn at least once a year so that the water can reach the roots rather than run over the surface.

Tips for saving water in kitchen

1. Turn off faucets tightly after each use.

2. Ensure if there is leakage in any faucet. If exists, stop leakage by replacing the tap or its washer.

3. Do not use tap water to melt food items. Switch off refrigerator to defrost them for water efficiency and food safety.

4. Wash fruits and vegetables in pan full of water instead of washing them under running water tap.

5. Do not wash dishes or kitchen utensils under running tap water. Wash them by filling the sink with washing water.

6. Keep drinking water in refrigerator or in water jug than running the tap every time to take glass of water. This way no drop of water goes waste into the drain.

7. Don’t dispose of food waste accumulated in kitchen through kitchen sink since it requires lots of water for disposal and increases unnecessary load on septic tank. You can dispose the waste through the bucket.

8. Install instant water heater in kitchen to save cold water running while the water heats up.

9. Collect the water used for washing fruits and vegetables and reuse it for watering house plants.

Tips for saving water in bathroom

1. Turn off water tap when you brush your teeth or apply shampoo or soap while taking bath.

2. Don’t waste water while saving or washing your face or hand. Use hand basin/ mug instead.

3. Plug the hole at the bottom of tub before you fill bathtub.

4. Use bucket for taking bath instead of taking bath under running tap.

5. Take optimum use of automatic clothe washer and dishwasher by loading them fully.

6. Either repair or replace flush handle if flush handle frequently sticks into flush position and water goes waste constantly.

7. Repair leakage in the toilet tank to save water. You can pour food coloring in toilet tank for testing water leak. If the color seeps through toilet bowl without flushing, there is leakage.

8. Check toilet tank and flush pipe for damage or rust and leakage. If found any, repair or replace immediately.

9. Do not flush the toilet unnecessarily. Use waste bucket for disposing tissues and other wastes rather than putting them in toilet for disposal.

10. Apply water efficient showerhead, an inexpensive and easy to install method to save water 3000 liter per month.

11. Install low flow flush toilet which requires 4 to 5 liters per flush and saves about 50% water in comparison to high-level flush pre 1990 model.

12. Upgrade your old toilet with installation of modern water efficient models.

13. Do not put tissue paper in water closet for disposal rather than drop it in the trash to save water used in flushing.

Harpreet Singh
British Engineers and Associates